Today's xkcd cartoon is spot on. A little while ago I decided to program one of their previous cartoons about the knapsack problem.
Searching the xkcd forums, I found a very elegant python solution. I decided to rewrite it in php, and the code was far more complex, and far uglier. Some things in python just work. Looks like I need to learn me a new language.
Basic recursive functions are in the extended entry for those that care.
Here's the basic recursive depth first search with caching. First in Python:
cache = {0: set([(0,)*len(options)])} def orders(q): if q not in cache: cache[q] = set(v[:o]+(v[o]+1,)+v[o+1:] for o,j in enumerate(options) if q-j >= 0 for v in orders(q-j)) return cache[q]
And then in (uglier) php:
$cache[0] = array(array_fill(0,sizeof($options),0)); function array_push_unique(&$haystack, $elem) { $elemlen = sizeof($elem); $found = false; // need to check to see if elem is already in the array foreach($haystack as $val) { $vallen = sizeof($val); $foundsame = true; if ($vallen != $elemlen) continue; for ($i = 0; $i < $vallen; ++$i) { if ($val[$i] != $elem[$i]) { $foundsame = false; break; } } if ($foundsame) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { array_push($haystack, $elem); } } // the main recursive function function &calc_order($max_val) { global $cache, $options;$opts = $options;
reset($opts);if (!array_key_exists((int) $max_val, $cache))
$cache[$max_val] = array();
foreach($opts as $key=>$item)
if (($max_val - $item['cost']) >= 0)
$res =& calc_order($max_val - $item['cost']);
foreach($res as $ar)
array_push_unique($cache[$max_val], $ar);
return $cache[$max_val];