None of these has been blogworthy on its own, but here are some things that I have thought about over the past week or so...
- Great America rocks during the "offseason"--before the k-12 kiddies get out of school. We went last Wednesday and got through every coaster at least once in less than 2 hours. At the end of the day we rode V2 about 6 times--without getting off of the ride--and the front of Batman twice, also without having to remove our butts from the painful seats.
- We Like to Party (the Six Flags theme song) isn't as annoying if you make fun of it.
- My Kyocera 7135 palm phone crapped out yet again. Same thing--wouldn't find a signal, or when it did, it wouldn't make a call. After a few minutes on the phone with Verizon tech support, they told me they are no longer supporting the 7135 (gee, I wonder why), so they couldn't send me a replacement 7135. Instead they sent me a Treo 600. After less than a week, I generally like this phone better than the 7135. Now all I have to do is figure out a way to get a cheap Treo 650...
Rich's boss gets great tickets to the Cubs (thanks again, Rich).. We were right behind the visitor's dugout, and got to see Prior get his arm taken off.
- Electrical wiring in old houses sucks. I spent the better part of Sunday trying to rewire one circuit to make a circuit availble for the bathroom (and only the bathroom). I thought that it would be easy to convert the unused 220 outlet (there for an air conditioner a long time ago) to it's own circuit. 8 hours later we got it taken care of, but I'm still a bit sore from pulling.
- It was a beautiful weekend for flying, but of course I didn't do any. C'est la vie
I had thought of more when I started this post, but of course I got distracted and forget them. At any rate, at least it's a "real" blog post, right Ness?