January 7, 2009

It Happens to Every Mother

I just completed my first official panicked search around the house for my missing daughter:

Abbie was playing with some toys at my feet, while I was sitting at my computer focused on figuring out a software problem. Suddenly, I hear a loud "thud" come from somewhere else in the house. I look down, and Abbie is gone. So I jump up and go into the living room - not there. So I check the dining room and the kitchen - not there. I check the landing by the back door (meaning she fell down 2 stairs) - not there.

Finally, I trace the sounds to the bathroom. She had pulled herself up to the bath tub and was picking up her bath toys one by one and throwing them back down into the tub.

That's ALOT of adrenaline.

But, I am happy to report that Abbie seems to be doing better with her separation anxiety problem......

Posted by beth at 1:01 PM | Comments (1)

January 6, 2009

More Pix

OK, so I've got some more photos up, but they're on my Flickr account, instead of Marc's. So Click Here to view them. Let me know if you can't see them.

In other news, we just got back from Florida - Abbie actually behaved really well for the drive down and back up, in spite of a few (almost literal) road blocks on the way. The weather was just gorgeous, and we had a really good time doing just about nothing all week.

Abbie has also sprouted a midget tooth. I say midget because I kept looking at it thinking that it's only partially in and therefore haven't officially "called it" yet. However, it seems to have stopped, and tooth number 2 is bulging it's way in next to it, so I'm gonna say that the first tooth was officially in on December 28th.

She's also decided to start clacking her tongue, due to the constant encouragement from Kim, my coworker (thanks, Kim :-P). She's still rather impressed with herself for being able to do it. I keep trying to get a video, but every time I pull out the camera, she's too interested in the camera to clack for me.

Well, that's about all. She's still crawling like crazy, pulling herself up on everything, and sticking everything known to man in her mouth. Fun days!

Posted by beth at 5:46 PM