December 22, 2008


I think Abbie and Kahlua are having a competition to see who can leave the most drool on my clothes. So far, Abbie is winning. Her first tooth is just starting to poke out a little bit - I'll let you know when it's official!


P.S. As I'm writing this, I look over and see Abbie playing with the world's largest ball of dog hair. Yuck! I just can't seem to keep these floors clean enough.....

Posted by beth at 12:50 PM | Comments (0)

December 14, 2008

7 Month Update

Abbie turned 7 months old on Friday - man has this been a whirlwind month. I was looking back at my 6 month update and couldn't believe that 30 days ago she was having trouble laying back down after sitting up. She is now crawling like crazy, sitting up, pulling herself up on everything, and even getting pretty good at getting herself back down after standing up (although she does still have her "stuck" moments). She's just started to use the furniture to hold herself up while attempting to take a couple of steps. If someone holds her hands, she'll walk clear across the room with support.

Feedings are also going well, the latest being that she insists on trying to feed herself with the spoon. We just got her a shorter spoon with a nice big handle, so hopefully more will end up in her mouth and less on the wall. She can also hold her sippy cup fairly well. She figured out last week that she needs to tip it up to get the water out, so now she points it straight up in the sky and ends up slobbering it all over the place.

She's also progressing with her verbal skills. There's more babbling going on, and she's experimenting with the different sounds she can make. She's started making an "H" sound repeatedly, which sounds like a dog panting. I've been trying to help her turn it into the word "Hi"; although she's vocalizing after the H sound occasionally now, it's really not quite a "Hi" yet (and I'm sure she has no idea what the word means).

I don't have measurements this month - we won't be going to see the Dr. again until she is 9 months - but I can definitely tell you she's getting taller and skinnier. Her 6-12 month clothes were somewhat snug around her midsection, but needed to be rolled up around the ankles when she first started wearing them. Now she seems almost too tall for the clothes (at 7 months!), but has plenty of extra fabric around the waist!

So this month has been one of significant change and of making Mommy very tired. I'm so excited that she's so interested in the world and learning in leaps and bounds, but it's definitely a 24/7 job keeping up with her progress.

Posted by beth at 2:59 PM