October 30, 2008

Any Opportunity to not Get out of the Car

OhMyGosh - when is this coming to our Meijer grocery store?

Posted by beth at 3:20 PM | Comments (1)

October 29, 2008

Hair Loss

Abbie and I have an unwritten agreement: She holds still while I cut the fingernails on her hand if I let her attempt to pull my hair out of my head with her other hand. And as she laid there today holding a tuft of my separated hair with a triumphant look on her face, I decided it was time for a new deal...........

Posted by beth at 12:18 PM | Comments (3)

October 13, 2008

Camping Trip

Mr. Tony is absolutely right - I completely neglected to mention that Abigail has now been camping! (Marc will upload pictures shortly - I saw them on his computer last night, so I know they're there!) Tony was kind enough to join us for the first night. Marc & Kahlua slept in his tent, and Abigail and I were in our smaller tent. This is when we learned that we can't just put Abigail on top of her little air mattress and hope she doesn't roll off - we were waking up all night!

Abigail just loved sitting outside during the day and just staring at all the nature, Kahlua liked smelling and licking all the nature, and Marc and I liked doing absolutely nothing of importance for a weekend. :-)

Posted by beth at 8:04 AM | Comments (0)

October 12, 2008

Five Month Update

Miss Abigail turns 5 months old today! This last month has definitely gone alot faster than any of the first four. So, in honor of this milestone, here's an update on all of her little antics:

Abbie's new favorite toy is the dog. She likes to grab a handful of Kahlua's hair and pull - we're lucky to have such a good natured pet. Kahlua just stands up and walks away when it bothers her.

For some reason (probably because of teething), Abbie likes to stick out her tongue and blow raspberries all over the place. Between that and the constant drooling, I've learned to appreciate my mother's advice to keep bibs on her constantly.

She's not able to go from laying to sitting up on her own yet, but she's trying really hard (you'd think she was constipated the way she grunts), and when helped up, she loves to sit up and can stay sitting up on her own for a limited amount of time. She's rolling over (both ways) just fine now, but she prefers to roll onto her stomach and then complain until Mommy picks her up.

Abbie had her first solid food on Friday (10/10). It was a mixure of rice cereal and breast milk - she lapped it right up (but not without the usual spitting mess, of course). We're hoping the addition of solid foods will help her sleep better at night, because recently she had gone back to waking 1-2 times a night to eat.

And speaking of firsts, Abbie had her first night away from her parents last night - Marc's cousin got married yesterday (congrats, guys!) and so we left Abbie with my mom for about 24 hours. I was definitely not prepared for how much I was going to miss her, but funny thing - she came back to us in one piece and she was even still smiling!

She's also become a much more social little girl in the past couple weeks - she'll smile for anybody and everybody who smiles at her. That's also added to the sleep issues - socializing is so much more fun than napping!

She can also now go from sitting in my lap to standing up on her own, but she immediately falls over, because she doesn't have any balance without something to hold on to.

That's about all I can think of for now. When she hits another milestone, we'll let you know!

Posted by beth at 3:43 PM | Comments (1)

October 7, 2008

I didn't study this in Physics class!

If you're feeling even mildly queasy, you may wish to postpone reading this message:

My daughter's poop has developed the uncanny ability of ending up everywhere. It matters not where she is, how she is positioned, or if the diaper is too tight or too loose. When she poops, it goes right out the top of the diaper, soaking herself and anything around her in runny mustard goopiness.

Now, I understand that "blow-outs" occur: sometimes a baby will simply output more feces than can be contained in the diaper. But get this - the diaper is nearly empty! Somebody needs to explain this phenomenon to me. I've tried making the diaper tighter, looser, higher in the back, higher in the front, have her sitting, standing, or laying down - it doesn't matter. In the past week and a half, this problem has claimed the car seat twice, the jumper, my jacket, and the changing pad (of course) several times, and 3 different outfits have had to be washed at least 3 times each to get the stains out.

So, for those of you who are trying to be nice by not providing me with more advice than I can assimilate, now is the time! Somebody please tell me what I can do before she decides to do it all over the sofa!

Posted by beth at 12:31 PM