October 13, 2008

Camping Trip

Mr. Tony is absolutely right - I completely neglected to mention that Abigail has now been camping! (Marc will upload pictures shortly - I saw them on his computer last night, so I know they're there!) Tony was kind enough to join us for the first night. Marc & Kahlua slept in his tent, and Abigail and I were in our smaller tent. This is when we learned that we can't just put Abigail on top of her little air mattress and hope she doesn't roll off - we were waking up all night!

Abigail just loved sitting outside during the day and just staring at all the nature, Kahlua liked smelling and licking all the nature, and Marc and I liked doing absolutely nothing of importance for a weekend. :-)

Posted by beth at October 13, 2008 8:04 AM