My gripes about Reply All and Slow Connections have been solved for now.
I found that the reply-all was a residual problem caused by the Windows 2003 UpgradeMigration that our company did back in September. When there are multiple people in the address book with the same name, Outlook doesn't know which one is which when doing a reply all. In this case, there were multiples of me in my address book, and it didn't know which one was sending the email, so it didn't know if it should remove the one that was sending hte email. You'd think it would be able to tell by email address, or some sort of GUID or something, but alas it doesn't. I had created a new profile in the same install of Lookout to handle the new account. With both profiles, Lookout knew about two different address books (even though they were attached to different logins/accounts), and this got it confused. To solve the problem I got rid of the other profile and accompanying local files.
To correct the slow link problem, Jeromey was nice enough to point me to a KB article (870926) on Microsoft's website and a document entitled "Enabling a Superior Client Experience with Outlook 2003" that described cached exchange mode. I won't go into details, but I really don't understand why this isn't enabled by default on EVERY install (upgrade or otherwise) of Lookout 2003? I would think that it would greatly improve the performance not only of Lookout, but also the Exchange server.
I think the next step in improving general Windows networking from our remote office is to setup an Active Directory server at our office, and possibly put our exchange mailboxes on that server as well. That is currently in the works, and we'll see if that helps some of the other issues we are having with connecting to fileshares, etc.
Posted by molson at November 29, 2004 09:48 AM