November 01, 2004

Get Out the Vote

As many of you know, tomorrow (tuesday) is Election Day here in the US. It is your duty to vote for the turd sandwich of your choice. If you don't vote, you cannot complain about how the country is being run.

In light of that, there was a very amusing message on my answering machine this evening. It was from the Republican party reminding me to vote tomorrow. This was not amusing because the call happened, but more because the lady that left the message sounded like she would be more enthusiastic about watching paint dry. For something that many people are so "flamboyant" about, this lady saw these phone calls as something that was keeping her away from Monday night TV--even though she probably volunteered for it.

It definately inspired me to vote for the president.

Illinois is a "Strong Kerry" state, so regardless of who I vote for in the presidential election, it really doesn't matter.

I was going to leave my election reform stuff out, but couldn't resist touching on the issue. If I want to make a difference, I really believe that it starts at the state level. Get more independents into local office, and you will start to get rid of the two-party system that the current electoral college fosters and grows. If you really want your vote to count, this is the first step.

I even used being tags this time. I hope Nick and the W3C are happy.

Posted by molson at November 1, 2004 11:36 PM