February 19, 2009

9 Month Update

So Abbie had her 9-month checkup yesterday - everything looks great. They did some sort of blood test for her iron, which was normal, and a TB test (so if she has a gigantic red bump on her arm come Saturday, we need to notify the authorities :-P)

She's 19lbs 12oz and 29 inches tall - right at the 80th percentile for both height & weight. The Dr. says she looks great and is right on track with her eating - she's up to 3 meals a day (plus nursing), and eats just about anything I give to her (except for green vegetables).

We had our first "multi-night" trip away from her this last weekend. She's such an easy baby, I don't even think she noticed I was gone. :-) Marc & I went skiing with some friends; it was a much-needed and much-appreciated break from parenthood.

Abbie has now perfected her crawling skills, and she's starting to attempt walking. After teaching her how to walk with the support of her toy grocery cart, she has now decided everything is a grocery cart - garbage cans, chairs, laundry bins, etc. My house keeps getting rearranged! She's also trying to climb up on things, such as the stairs and the bottom ledge of the bay window in our living room. Luckily, our stairs are a bit steeper than typical, so she hasn't been successful yet. Once she is, I'm sure we're going to have a few more bumps & bruises.

We're also hearing a few more mixed syllables from her now. We catch her saying things like "Dada" and "fan" occasionally, and we're absolutely certain she knows exactly what she's saying. :-) At the very least, she's recognizing words. If I say "dog", she'll immediately find Kahlua. She also recognizes fan, daddy, mommy, and up. We've also been trying some sign language, but I don't think we're being as consistent as we need to be for her to pick up on it. We'll see.

I can't seem to find my camera after this weekend, but as soon as I do, we'll get some more pictures up for all you baby photo junkies. :-)

Posted by beth at February 19, 2009 9:54 AM