June 1, 2008

We have hands

Over the past few days Abbie has been figuring out that she has hands. She's been flailing them around, scratching us, and grabbing hold of my teeth at every chance.

I Fond my thumb!When she was doing well with feeding, we decided to go ahead and introduce a pacifier for those times when she was a little fussy. This works well, except that she gets bored of it after a few minutes and usually spits it across the room. Last night, I had the pacifier in her mouth, she grabbed it with her hands, flung it away and started sucking on her thumb. The picture didn't come out too well, but that's what happens when you have a sleepy mom being woken up to take a picture and then feed (she was hungry, and she let us know that right after the picture was taken).

Like Vic told me yesterday (when talking about his daughter)... There's a good thing and a bad thing about finger sucking. The good thing is, you can't lose them. The bad thing is, you can't lose them.

Posted by molson at June 1, 2008 11:20 AM