May 13, 2008

Exhausting and Relaxing all at once

Today little Abigail was a lot less fussy than yesterday. Both grandmas came to visit at some point today, and she either slept or wanted to be fed or wanted to be changed for both of them (wait, she's not even 2--days that is--what else DO they do?).

It was nice for Beth to be able to have her mom there today to cuddle and comfort Abigail (I'm sure it was a chore for her) when she got a little fussy. She was able to get some much needed rest, and I was able to run a few quick errands for us.

I realized on my way home that I am a very picky photographer. I take a few shots, but I usually don't like most of them--many photographers are like this, and it's only exaggerated with digital. What does this mean? It means that I don't really have any pictures (that I like) to show you from today. Maybe the couple that I took with Beth's camera will be better, but unfortunately her memory card didn't come home with me.

I'll try to do better tomorrow when we bring her home. Maybe a double dose of cute is in order as I'm planning on trying to take some pictures as well as some video (no guarantees any of that will come out).

Some housekeeping: we would love to hear from everyone, but if you call us please don't be offended if we don't pick up. we will call you back if you leave a message. also, we would love to have some people visit us, but not a big gaggle all at once, and warn us/check with us before coming over. oh, and be prepared to work :)

Posted by molson at May 13, 2008 10:49 PM