May 11, 2008

Drugs are good, mkay

That was an exciting few hours... Labor wasn't progressing so they decided to help it along with Pitocin. That got contractions going. Everything was fine at first, but at about 8:30 the contractions were stacking on top of each other and getting pretty severe--Beth couldn't relax at all in between (what little time there was)!

We knew this would be a risk with pitocin, so we had planned ahead of time that if it did happen we (really, she) would go ahead and get an epidural. There were some really nasty ones right as they were putting it in, and then almost instant relief. She's been almost asleep for the past hour or so--definately able to relax now.

Hopefully when she wakes up, it'll be time to push. Oh--the tv is still noisy.

Posted by molson at May 11, 2008 11:15 PM