May 6, 2008

Due Date

40 Weeks and still cool

I rock!

Well, my due date has come and gone now, and still no baby. I saw the doctor yesterday afternoon who determined that I was 1cm dilated and 50% effaced, which means that I still have a ways to go. I officially have an appointment at the hospital for induction, though: Monday, May 12th at 6am. If the baby hasn't come by then, I go in for a bit of Pitocin to move things along.

So, what does a 40-week pregnant woman do to kill time? Guitar Hero, of course! Here are some pics, courtesy of Marc. I have to extend the strap on the guitar as far as it'll go, but I'm still doing pretty OK on expert level (and the baby seems to like the songs that require more strumming).

Posted by beth at May 6, 2008 5:52 PM